I do not have the right answer to what you should do to improve or
change your life, but I would say that I’m aware of the things that make
you miserable, unmotivated, depressed etc. Here we go:
Not getting enough sleep: Some of us tend to think
that it’s okay to just get a few hours of sleep each day, and then “gain
enough” sleep during the weekend. That is a bunch of crap. Lack of
sleep has a negative impact on your concentration, mood, metabolism and
energy level.
Have blind faith in your feelings: Your mind/ego
tends to be an asshole. It wants you to stay in your comfort zone, so it
encourages you to stick to the state of mind that makes you miserable.
It tells you that you can not (for example) exercise, meet new people or
seek a therapist because those things are “deadly and unsafe”. You
should question your feelings. “Am I going to die if I go for a walk?”,
“Do people hate me, or is that just my imagination?”, “What’s the worst
thing that can happen, if I try something new?”.
Stay in your comfort zone: As I mentioned in the
second point; Your comfort zone is in most cases your worst enemy. You
should try the things that seem uncomfortable and scary. You learn and
grow from new experiences. PS: There’s a reason certain things seem
scary. and deadly, and that’s because they are harmful/deadly. Just to
make sure that you don’t make any stupid decisions: Be smart! Don’t do
drugs and so on.
Be anti-social: You are more likely to get an
objective answer to your questions about your problems from a person,
than from your mind. They might look at your problems from a different
point of view, and give you ideas that you haven’t thought of. Besides;
Focusing on other people and what they’re saying, might make you focus
on other things than yourself. It’s often the “me, me, me” thoughts that
make you miserable.
Be passive: Sitting in a chair all day is not good
for your body or your mind. It will only enhance your destructive
mindset. Exercise, meet a friend, do your chores, sign up for a course,
Not taking care of your body: Your mind and your body are connected. A happy body equals a happy mind
Suggestions: Exercise, get enough sleep, avoid excessive amounts of alcohol (Or preferably; Don’t drink at all), avoid drugs, eat healthy food and so on.
Avoid meeting new people: Your family, your friends
or some of the people in your community MIGHT be the ones who make you
miserable. Meeting new people might inspire you, give you new ideas or
give you the motivation you need.
I hope this helps a little bit.