Top 10 Clever Hacks for Things You Thought Were Trash

September 10, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh

One man's trash is another man's treasure, and we've always been fond of finding MacGyver-like uses for anything and everything—right down to dryer lint and used candy wrappers.. Here are our top 10 favorite hacks for things you thought were headed to the garbage. 

Six Keys to Changing Almost Anything

September 8, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh
Change is hard. New Year's resolutions almost always fail. But at The Energy Project, we have developed a way of making changes that has proved remarkably powerful and enduring, both in my own life and for the corporate clients to whom we teach it.

Our method is grounded in the recognition that human being are creatures of habit. Fully 95 percent of our behaviors are habitual, or occur in response to a strong external stimulus. Only 5 percent of our choices are consciously self-selected.

In 1911, the mathematician Alfred North Whitehead intuited what researchers would confirm nearly a century later. "It is a profoundly erroneous truism," he wrote, "that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them."

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

September 7, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh

“I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed.  I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live - that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.”
-Dan Millman

100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body

September 6, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh
The human body is an incredibly complex and intricate system, one that still baffles doctors and researchers on a regular basis despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, it shouldn’t be any surprise that even body parts and functions we deal with every day have bizarre or unexpected facts and explanations behind them. From sneezes to fingernail growth, here are 100 weird, wacky, and interesting facts about the human body.

Amazing Places on Earth - Antelope Canyon

September 5, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh

Remember that saying, "It's a small world!" well you start to think otherwise when you come across beautiful places such as teh Antelope Canyon. It's really hard to argue how these were created because everyone has a different point of view, as scientists would say something smart, whereas religious people will say something that's full of faith. Regardless of what people say, it is definitely one of the places on earth you should visit and just get lost in its beauty for a while in order to forget yourself or to discover yourself. 

10 iPhone Apps for Expectant Dads

September 4, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh
Learning that you’re going to be a father is one of the most exciting pieces of news that you’ll ever get. That doesn’t mean, however, that poring over dry instructional books on pregnancy and childbirth is particularly stimulating. Thankfully, the advent of smartphones allows a father-to-be to stay involved and educate himself about the changes in his partners’ and his child’s body in an interactive, entertaining way. These are the ten must-have iPhone apps for expectant fathers, from the informative to the amusing.

17 Things That Make You Dumber

September 3, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh
With all the talk about self-improvement these days, people don't pay enough attention to self-worsening. In fact, there are many common behaviors that have been shown in one or more studies to make people stupider.

You can start by turning off most TV shows.

As a follow-up to our 25 ways to boost your intelligence, we've compiled a list of things that decrease intelligence or IQ or cause neurological decline.

Brain Trust: 100 Ivy League Business & Entrepreneurship Courses You Can Take for Free

September 2, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh
Just because you don’t have the deep pockets or stellar grades it takes to get into top tier schools doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some of the same resources these establishments offer. Through open course ware programs, you can access course materials from a wide range of top universities. Whether you decide to take these courses on your own time or just skim through the information, we’ve compiled a list of 100 places to start looking for great business and entrepreneurship information.

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids

September 1, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh

This December, in a surprisingly simple yet ridiculously amazing installation for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Ar, artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a large domestic environment, painting every wall, chair, table, piano, and household decoration a brilliant white, effectively serving as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s smallest visitors were given thousands upon thousands of colored dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space, turning the house into a vibrantly mottled explosion of color. How great is this? Given the opportunity my son could probably cover the entire piano alone in about fifteen minutes. The installation, entitled The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12.