Simple Ways to Make Your Life Better

June 14, 2012 - Posted by Tolzoh

Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing. - Oscar Wilde
1- Communicate, rather than trying to read each other’s mind. We were never psychic and probably, never will be! 

2- Nurture your relationships with people who matter in your life! That doesn’t mean you should be mean and rude with others. Being polite with everyone is a much better lifestyle.

3- If you have good health – the world is yours. So take care of your health!

4- Never try to buy things to fill the holes in your life ­– Learn to accept them and stop wasting money on things you do not need.

5- Surround yourself with people who fill your gaps. So, you can do what you’re good at and let them do what they’re good at.

6- Save first, and then spend the rest.

7- An exhausted mind is rarely productive, so get enough sleep every night.

8- Plan your mornings – Waking up 30 minutes early will help you complete everything without stressing yourself.

9- Don’t hold grudges when it is better to talk it out, hug it out or shake hands, and move on.

10- Compete against yourself. Never let anyone be the center of your universe by being jealous of him/her.

11- Learn timesaving tricks or shortcuts that you can use time and again to save time.

12- Do what you know is right instead of trying to please everyone.

13- When you are mad or sad, take a jog or workout, instead of drinking alcohol or consuming recreational drugs. In simple, do what relaxes you without harming your body.

14- Always pay your bills on time so they would never come back to bite you in the ass.

15- Save the hassle of running late in the morning and fill your gas tank on your way home.

16- Use technology to automate your tasks. Every technology has its purpose. Know it and put it to good use.

17- If an important task will only take two-minutes, make sure to do it ASAP.

18- Move closer to your place or work.

19- Don’t steal anything from anyone.

20- Honesty is the best policy. Apply it in your life and be honest with not only the people in your life, but with yourself as well.